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Become a Coach in Mesmerism & Magnetic Success

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Coaching Others for Magnetic Success!

This course teaches you how to apply Mesmerism & Magnetism to your clients as a practitioner

If you were to ask many successful many people how they became that way, they would reply to you that “they had been blessed with luck” and that life’s circumstances had enabled them to give expression to their own inspiration. In actual fact, these persons set out from an inward impulse, from some force which is created out of their subjective interaction with the Universe. Ultimately, the Universe is what they actually give effect to. It is this force, this energy, which brings one's life plan to fruition, enabling one's self to persevere through the difficult times and ultimately accomplish the end goal. Resorting to this kind of force is normally accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction, and enjoying life with everything it has to offer.

Success and happiness are always in front of us. All we need is to learn how to mix motion into our vital energy, and how to steer it in the right direction in order to enable it to yield positive results. The Universe is no more than a response structure. It is applied in the way in which we interact with the Universe in that whatever we wrest from it emerges into existence. We are able therefore to extract results, provided we adopt the right practices.

Creating and Steering Energy.

The vital energy represents the second element in the under-stated fundamental dyad, which represents the essential key to achieve anything. The Fundamental dyad is...

  1. Consciousness of what we do in the now and over time
  2. Vital Energy

The vital energy, which is the foundation that underpins true personal magnetism, is chiefly physical in nature. It consists in vitality. Usually however, we are devoid of true consciousness of it. When that is the case (which is the normal scenario) vital energy is merely used and consumed away in the effort of preserving our habits. Many people’s reactions are piloted by a tiny little ego which is capricious and wasteful in setting out to attain its objectives. Such objectives accordingly fritter away this vital energy in the undertaking of aimless actions.

A parallel exists between what we do with mental energy and what we do with the gifts and possibilities life offers us - such as relationships and our money. Avoiding dispersions of mental energy and channelling it in the right direction represents human engagements which need to be carried out in order to increase energy, and thereby expand the range of our active doing.

If we concentrate, the greater amplitude of mental power which is generated by concentration, has the effect of us developing power in reality and naturally transcending habits. When that stage is reached, we will then be capable of enjoying the opportunities life supplies us with.

The Aim of a Coach is to Develop the Skills & Potential of the Client

A good coach uses all their techniques and knowledge to obtain maximum results for their client. Every coach should strive to be the best they can be and to go beyond the existing models in an effort to keep furthering the efficacy of their profession. Essential to being a successful coach is developing a personal and unique model of coaching, and developing a wide range of skills such as confidence and safety. This course teaches you a variety of psycho-physical strategies for success that fit in a wider frame. This powerful course also includes the teaching of NLP-3 and Quantum Psi concepts applied to the sale and the coaching. This quantum model is in fact particularly effective in complex situations characterized by a high number of variables.

International Certification - 2 Day Workshop

Completing this course you will be issued the certificate of international MASTER COACH.

What You Will learn...

Practical instructions on how to use the secret energy of the mind and fascination in order to attain success! Practical applications aimed at improving one’s personal charm, life, profession, relationships, and financial activities.

  • Coaching techniques
  • Business and Leadership
  • Techniques of Hypno-selling
  • Enneagram applied to business
  • The system LuxMind ;®
  • Quantum Psi ®
  • Natural coach
  • Effective coaching
  • Psychological concepts to the business and marketing
  • Coaching for sale
  • Mental Skills
  • Hypnotic communication for business
  • Coach Manager
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